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Jobsharing And Beyond

Apr 28, 2020

Welcome! In this first episode of Job sharing and Beyond I had the great opportunity to talk with Irenka Krone & Nina Prochazka. Irenka Krone is one of the world's leading experts on job sharing. She has been pioneering job sharing in Switzerland and beyond for more than 10 years. She is the co-founder & director of the Part-Time Optimisation Association (PTO) with its website goforjobsharing as well as the job-sharing matchmaking platform We Jobshare.

Irenka holds a doctorate in labour economics and has authored several books and papers on job sharing and part-time employment.

This includes co-directing a book about job & top sharing where 34 leading authors from 5 countries participated in. 

Nina Prochazka, her co-head at the knowledge management, communication & network department at Cinfo, is an organizational and HR development expert with a master's in international relations and has worked in the Middle East for several years. Nina has been involved with job sharing from a multitude of perspectives including being part of PTO's Advisory Committee. Both Irenka and Nina have worked previously at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs in Bern. 

Irenka and Nina talked with me about the beginning of job sharing in Switzerland, how through their engagement and awareness-raising it has become a much more common method of flexible working including top sharing and how it not only benefits professional mothers but many other demographics. They explained how job sharing partners find each other and gave practical examples of job sharing. I even learned that in Switzerland in the political arena job sharing is now being practiced. It was a very informative and helpful conversation! Thank you so much!